Friday, January 24, 2020
Antigone :: essays research papers
Antigone In the play Antigone, the debate over who is the real tragic hero is and the controversy of Greek ideals in the Antigone continues on to this day. Who is the tragic hero in Antigone? Is it Antigone herself or is it Creon the ruler of Thebes? The belief that Antigone is, is a strong one. Still there are people who think Creon is the tragic hero. Antigone is widely thought as the tragic her. The play is named after her. In addition, she is the antagonist in it. Many people usually associate the antagonist, the good guy as a tragic hero. Look at much television shows, especially cartoons, the good person usually wins. Then there are those who might think Creon was the tragic hero because the gods were against him, and that he truly loved his country. There are five criteria or standards you must meet first in order to be a tragic hero. First, you must be a person of high character or status. The character must not be too overwhelmingly evil or good. Then they must be brought from h appiness to misery. Then brought from happiness to misery. Second, the hero enacts a harmartia, "wrong act." This either may be a flaw in judgment or an error. Third, the hero experiences a perpateia, reversal of fortune. This is the tragic downfall or plot twist in the story. Fourth, the hero recognizes his or her responsibility. Fifth, the story ends with a catastrophe. The catastrophe either may be an emotional event, this even may be a death. The Antigone is widely thought of as the tragic heroine of the play bearing her name. She would seem to fit the part in light of the fact that she dies doing what is right. Antigone buries her brother Polynices, but Creon does not like her doing that one bit. Creon says to Antigone, "Why did you try to bury your brother? I had forbidden it. You heard my edict. It was proclaimed throughout Thebes. You read my edict. It was posted up on the city walls." (Pg. 44) Antigone buries her brother without worrying about what might happen to her. By doing this, she takes into consideration death and other consequences for burying her brother. Antigone follows what she thinks is right according to the gods. She is the supporter of her actions in the burial of Polynices.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Brand Architecture
BMW is one of the most recognized premium car manufacturers in the world. Brand associated with quality, class, exceptional design, outstanding performance and innovation. BMW has a well-structured brand hierarchy where at the corporate brand level BMW pioneered the luxury sports car category by combining distinct style and performance consideration. BMW has a smart positioning with corporate brands and offers a large fleet of models that vary in price, quality and performance.Below is a brief brand- product matrix: Product ModelsEntry level small vehiclesEntry level small sedanLuxury medium SedanSport Coupe & convertiblesTop of the line Luxury4WD & SUV Recreation Outdoor 1 & Mini Series 3 Series 5 Series Z4& 6 Series 7 Series X Series Points of parity are that they are luxury vehicles and points of difference are BMW’s performance features. Clear brand positioning and well-differentiated sub- brands shows in 1, 3, 5, 7 series. These brands cover different segments of the mark et in relation to price, size and quality.New models introduced later to expand the brand portfolio like X3, X5, Z4, M3, and 6 series. The 1 & 3 series models brought new customers into the company’s brand franchise, with the expectation that later these customers will be switching to higher priced models like 5 and 7 series (design to attracts rich and wealthy business people). BMW’s branding approach helps the company to expand coverage throughout different segments and markets, provide brand protection and minimize overlapping.Each of the sub brand names has a well-defined role and positioning, which does not overlay with the other sub brands. Individually each car model offers unique benefits to its client segment. BMW’s brand hierarchy is characterized well in the firm’s strategy by displaying the mutual characteristics of all BMW cars throughout its portfolio, which are linked with luxury, performance, joy of driving and quality. At the same time th ere are very clear distinctive features and uncommon characteristics of each of these sub rands revealing their uniqueness and differentiation. For example, the 3series mid size luxury sedan targets drivers that are aged between 25-34 years of age with â€Å"older body but younger in spirit†. These people see driving as an escape from their normal routine, and they are looking for a sedan that has some performance qualities. On the other hand the 7 series models targets the high-end sophisticated business consumers who desire to demonstrate success.I would like to give an example of brand hierarchy for BMW (from top to bottom): corporate (or company brand) is the brand BMW, umbrella brand would be Mini series, the individual brand would be Mini Cooper, and lastly the modifier will be the Clubman model. Clarity and brand awareness is strongly implemented in BMW’s brand. This helps to improve consumer’s understanding about the product range and also communicate cl early the similarities and differences between the different models. BMW have a high level of awareness on recognition and recall.This maximizes the transfer of equity from the brand to the individual models, which improves trials, and leads to repeat purchases. The image is favorable, strong and relevant. The most common association with BMW brand is performance, style and luxury. BMW’s principle in designing their brand portfolio is to maximize market coverage so that no potential customers are being ignored, but on the other hand minimize brand overlap, so that different models from the portfolio are not competing among themselves to gain the same customer’s support.Each sub-brand has its own distinctive target market and positioning. As a result of BMW’s exceptional brand architecture in the last Global 500 brands for 2012 survey, BMW scores very high. From all car manufacturers worldwide they ranked as the second best car manufacturer brand after Toyota (Br andirectory, 2012). References: Bibliography Brandirectory. (2012). Global-500-2012. Retrieved from brandirectory. com: http://brandirectory. com/league_tables/table/global-500-2012/
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2062 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Energy Industry Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? As one of the regulatory body, ADWEA hugely influence the process and operation in most of its subsidiary companies, namely TRANSCO, AMPC (Al Mirfa Power Company), ALDC (Al Ain Distribution Company) and ADDC (Abu Dhabi Distribution Company). ADWEA also holds around 60% stakes in these subsidiary companies, thus making it not only a body of authority, but also an influential organization and main source of power and water production in UAE. It is involved in the processing, distributing and regulating the flow of power and water, and thus helps the nation and its million of households to benefit from their activities directly or indirectly. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority" essay for you Create order (ADWEA, About ADWEA) PART 1 ADWEA HR Department and its Objectives The ADWEA HR Department is structured within the Planning and Development Directorate. The Planning and Development Directorate of ADWEA as we can understand plays a significant role in the overall process of the organization, especially when it comes to HRM. The Directorate is wholly an objective based division to complete it four main undertakings, namely HR process and its undertaking, besides the implementation and monitoring of HRM policies. Apart from that ADWEA Planning and Development Directorate also undertaken within its chamber the process of organization and development of corporate business objectives and most importantly the consolidation of business plans so that business objective of the organization is reached without any hiccups. (ADWEA, ADWEA Organizational Structure) It is to the knowledge of everyone that UAE and in particular Abu Dhabi is restructuring itself as a leader in structural reforms. That is why we see events and phenomenon such as Emiratizatio n programs, which is a social undertaking of the government of UAE. When it comes to the ADWEA also, the phenomenon is very much at play. That is to say, the structural reform or simply, restructuring of the organizational makeup is very much at play within the organization. It is also important to note that the ADWEA organizational structure is hierarchal system. (ADWEA, ADWEA Organizational Structure) Thus, building up on these points we can reason that ADWEA HR Department is an undertaking with a vision to streamline the process and operation of the organization in the most feasible ways. It is in other word an organizational structural department that is crucial for the organization and its growth. It would be prudent also to highlight the current organizational chart. Below is the glimpse of the same. Fig, ADWEA Organizational Structure This is very likely to be the organizational chart of ADWEA. There is no doubt in that regard, given that organization is wholly under the jurisdiction and control of stakeholder, who own 60% stakes in the company. Being a public organization, the role that Planning and Development Directorate, ADWEA Business Support Directorate, as well as the Privatization Directorate and Project Directorate, they all play significant role in the organization. Theory in Context of ADWEA HR Department As we can analyze from available information, it is believed that ADWEA structure of the department itself is crucial towards its production and operational management. From our understanding of the theory it is believed that production, planning and control is understood as the science of management that is directed towards the organization, material, facilities and resources towards the attainment of the specified goals in the most efficient ways. (Arora, 2004, p. 442) From this point and its arguments, we can derive that such a mechanism also is very much present in ADWEA. For instance, ADWEA restructuring organizational structure is projected in such a way that the organization, its facilities as well as its resources is employed effectively for goals achievements of the company. As we can see, the structure of the ADWEA is divided into four departmental bodies, which undertake the operation of the organization is the most feasible ways. (ADWEA, ADWEA Organizational Structur e) Hence, the structure of the organization very much can be looked in context of production and operation management and its theoretical point of view that is related to Production, planning and control mechanism. Moreover, ADWEA organizational structure is feasible, since it ensure that communication and overall coordination between departmental bodies is free flowing. Take for example the case of Planning and Development Directorate of ADWEA. The core operational process in it is to maintain its four areas of responsibility, namely management and its development, business planning, organizational performance, digital system and its control and finally quality control mechanism. When it comes to Business Support directorate, its main role is within the area of HRM, Administration and Supply. As far as the privatization Directorate goes, its activities are mainly in the areas of ADWEA policies. And finally ADWEA Project Directorate is hugely engrossed with execution of project, its control and implementation. (ADWEA, ADWEA Organizational Structure) Thus, span of control as well as communication and management style are structurally built to enhance the objective of the organization in the most feasible ways. ADWEA Internal and External Factors ADWEA internal and external factor are controlled under the board of directors. In recent time, ADWEA was in the news for all the good reason when it comes to its internal and external factor. As can be read in the media report available with Trade Arabia, it highlights that ADWEA will bring to light its strategy that is objectively defined in context of sustainable business in the power and watery sector in UAE. As we are aware, ADWEA is wholly committed to its objective towards developing a sustainable and long-term objective in the power and watery sector for the benefits of its customers. For that reason, social programs, environmental causes and economic factors are the balancing mechanism of ADWEA that also influence its business. Moreover, the organization partnership with corporate in the power and electricity sector in UAE is to enhance their business and reach out to the public and its key message. Being a global pioneer is no mean task, but what is important is that visi on should be shared for the benefit of its customer, and the society, feels company spoke-person. (TradeArabia, 2010 ) The Need to Consider Future Internal and External Factor When emphasizing to the above analysis and ADWEA message there is a clear point that company objective is a measure undertaken for the benefit of the society, its consumers and most importantly the visionary outlook for business sustainability. Hence, in that regard, the message of the organization which goes as If we are to truly become a global pioneer, we must share our vision and gain support from our stakeholders (TradeArabia, 2010 ) is clear and precise. Hence, ADWEA HR Department should to take a good approach towards Emiratization Program. Emiratization program is a HR core process. Initiative in that regard also should be to factor upon new training culture within and recruit reliable incumbent. (ADWEA, ADWEA Academy) There are many challenges. However, the presence of ADWEA Academy and its association with training schools such as Henley Business School UK, Cranfield University Engineering School UK, University of Waterloo Canada and Hult International Business Sch ool UK are a good thing to factor upon the core HR needs of ADWEA towards it internal and external factor. PART 2 ADWEA HR Department: Restructuring Needs Analysis Restructuring need analysis can be done in many ways. As a matter of fact, information gathered from the internal and external business environment and its analysis helps organization foster strategic plans to the development of business, its implementation and functional strategies. (DePamphilis, 2009 , p. 137) Restructuring needs analysis is long-term. Restructuring needs analysis and its models can classify into Project Management Participate Management A Political Perspective. (Price, 2007 , p. 279) These models are commonly practiced in most organization. Additionally, ADRM (Applied Data Resource Management) is felt to be the most advanced, as it allows to generate industry specific model for businesses. (BÃÆ'†¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡aÃÆ'†¦Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¼ewicz, 2003, p. 422) Fig, ADRM Model Source: ( We feel that ADRM model is best suited to ADWEA. The reason for that is simple since the application of ADRM allows generating industry specific models, wherein Syncsort helps speed up warehouse data and Variety can be applied in data cleaning and mining. (BÃÆ'†¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡aÃÆ'†¦Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¼ewicz, 2003, p. 422) Recommendations: ADRM Model for ADWEA ADRM model as shown above and considering the case of ADWEA we can see that the establishment of the ADWEA academy in 2009 was a measure of strategic importance for the company that hugely depends on human resource. Hence, ADRM model can be feasible to restructure change in the right order strategically, as the following adjusted organizational chart reflects. Fig, Adjusted Organizational Chart The application of ADRM allows generating industry specific models. The above adjusted chart also can be generated through the application of ADRM model in the case of ADWEA. The fundamentals of ADRM model are unique. The benefit of it is not only for HR department that is being considered as an independent unit, but also for strategic business outlook. ADWEA structure is divided into four Directorates. Hence, the applications of ADRM model can simple restructure it into 5 Directorate as specified in the above organizational chart and its restructure. Justification: ADRM Model and its benefits ADWEA Academy was established so that training, development, educational as well as strategic and tactical goals can be harnessed within the company. (ADWEA, ADWEA Academy) Hence, ADRM model can be feasible as well for HRM process that is decentralized. Structuring process of ADWEA academy and HRM needs of the company also can be organized when it matter to the following Reporting, Job Analysis Workflow Performance Management HR Gaps in Context of ADRM Model Human resource gap in ADWEA can be looked in context of knowledge workers. There is no need for creation of new job as far as restructuring an independent HR department in the company, since HR process is carried out in the Business Support Directorate as stated before. Hence, resource and professional from Business Support Directorate can be organized in teams to meet the very purpose of ADWEA HR Department. In that way resource in the company also be channelized effectively and used also productively for the objective and goals achievements. PART 3 ADWEA Organizational Makeup ADWEA organization structure is hierarchal to be precise. It is headed by the board chairman, H. H. Sheikh Diab Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The role of the chairman is that he does not report to the board. (ADWEA, Sustainability Report 2009 , 2009, p. 23) Besides, his activities are also limited as far as business and day to day process goes. Thus the role of chairman should be changed, and CEO Job should be opened within the company. Chairman can act as advisor for that matter. It is felt that CEO role within the company can be effective for many reasons and to leverage effective managerial leadership in all aspects of business. CEOs and his Role One position for opening in ADWEA case is that for a CEO as we have recommended. As we can understand, CEOs collaborate with board of the company. CEOs role also is strategically focused. CEO helps also in charting an annual operational plan or correlating with annual budgeting. Leadership and its development also very much is the focus of CEOs. Monitoring organizational strategic outlook for financial stability is also the role and responsibility of CEO. CEO role within the organization can further enhance management team and management board to be more objective when it comes to Decision making, Financial management, Strategic HRM (ADWEA, Sustainability Report 2009 , 2009) Conclusion and Recommendation Since its inception, ADWEA has proved itself to be a capable organization with solid foundation of the organizational makeup and its culture. It main business activities are in the areas of water and power sector in UAE. The study in context of ADWEA and its restructuring mechanism with its concentration in HRM presents a favorable point for the company to benefit on the long term. As we can understand human resource is the backbone of any corporation. The same case also can be looked in context of ADWEA. Our study also shows that HRM and its process overall under the departmental Directorate of Business Support Directorate of ADWEA is a measure undertaken to enhance affectivity level of the organization. Thus, it is recommended that ADWEA restructuring should also give emphasis towards:- Job Analysis within the management team and board of management. Enhancing leadership programs for sustainable measure. CSR that is in tune with the demand of the current business e nvironment, so that ADWEA brand image is projected on a global platform.
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