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Monday, August 24, 2020
Eleven Minutes Written By Paul Coelho Summary English Literature Essay
Eleven Minutes Written By Paul Coelho Summary English Literature Essay Quite a long time ago there was a whore called Maria. The tale Eleven Minutes is about a youthful grown-up named Maria who winds up through going around Europe so as to accomplish her fantasies to get renowned. Despite the fact that this was not what she accomplished she discovered love much after she was sure she will never discover genuine romance. Maria encounters what she thinks love is at a youthful age. From the age eleven she began to look all starry eyed at her neighbor and despised him when he didnt love her back, she at that point had numerous beaus and encountered the profundities of connections until she chose she didnt need a kid and vowed to never experience passionate feelings for again. At the age nineteen she chose she needed to seek after her fantasy and convinced her manager for seven days occasion. In the wake of making a trip to Rio de Janeiro she met a Swiss man who offers her work as a Samba artist in a club in Geneva. Acknowledging moving was not her enthusiasm, she quit the place of employment and looked for function as a model however ended up being offered cash for one night with an Arab man. This night drove her to the house of ill-repute, Copacabana in Rue de Berne where she started fill in as a whore as she delighted in the pain free income and the manner in which she got it. Here she worked numerous evenings however just become friends with one associate, Nyah, the same number of other ladies considered her to be a danger to their calling. The dehumanizing calling made her shut out her body and psyche to any association with adoration and her life presently spun around something that took eleven minutes which was the time Maria found that was really spent having intercourse. As Maria just worked around evening time, she went through her days at the library, become a close acquaintence with the curator and taking out books on a wide range of subjects, for example, how to learn French, books about sex and ranch the executives. She likewise investigated the city which drove her to the Road to Santiago where she meets a Swiss painter, Ralf Hart. Hart as a painter, adored her light that she radiated and inquired as to whether he could draw a picture of her. This experience caused Marias body and soul to become reintegrated as a result of the affection and enthusiasm she imparted to him in spite of the fact that they first contend and he affronts her calling. One specific customer in any case, empowered her to encounter torment yet arrive at a feeling of joy from sex known as sadomasochism. This carried her to understand that agony and joy can relate. In spite of the fact that she encountered this, she didnt disclose to Ralf Hart and one day he acquainted her with an alternate feeling of agony that helped her to go past some other delights. After a few gatherings with Ralf Hart, frequently at his home they shared something she didnt share with some other customers. She fell pitifully enamored with him as he carried her to revive her spirit as it was just pulverized from her calling. Maria at that point felt she expected to leave Rue de Berne on account of her sentiments and travel home to her family paying little heed to the way that on the off chance that she worked for only a half year longer, she could have given her family all that they want. She at that point purchases a pass to Brazil, baffled that she hadnt filled her bags with tri nkets as she has wished. Before going back home she meanders around the city getting a handle on the ideas, bidding farewell to those she had developed near. During this time, the peruser starts to find out about the curator as Maria tunes in to what she needs to state after she has perused numerous books about sex in the wake of requesting them for the library. The custodian discloses her life to Maria and despite the fact that Maria doesn't have a clue what to state, she essentially tunes in and permits the bookkeeper to communicate. Notwithstanding, Maria asks on the off chance that she had ever engaged in extramarital relations and despite the fact that she did, she never advised this to Maria. At night saw Ralf once and for all, or possibly what she thought would be the last time as the adoration they encountered with one another brings them closer than past connections. Ralf Hart turns into the sad sentimental and meets Maria in the air terminal and the words The End show up on the film screen. Account Style This tale is written in third individual particular with an omniscient style yet anyway moves to first individual solitary when Maria writes in her journal; She became prettier and prettier, and her pitiful, baffling ways brought her numerous admirers. what's more, Everything reveals to me that I am going to settle on an off-base choice, yet committing errors is only a piece of life. What does the world need of me? This along these lines demonstrates that there is an epistdary style to the novel as Marias considerations are shared through journal sections. The pronouns he and she are as often as possible utilized and characters are persistently tended to by their names. The tale is likewise composed with a meddling style; But on the off chance that, at some point, somebody ought to choose to disclose to her story, she would request that they start it with similarly as all the fantasies start: Once upon a period. Character Analysis Maria: is a free, sacrificial youngster who longs for progress which she will make a special effort to accomplish. This is appeared through her assurance and in any event, during her self-obliterating calling she yearns to accomplish her fantasy she had since she was a young lady despite the fact that this is accomplished through an experience which makes her change from being the guiltless little youngster she was. Maria is caring lady, this trademark is depicted during her time with numerous customers as she gives them sexual joy as well as eases them of their issues by talking about their life issues and circumstances. She is additionally a well disposed woman as despite the fact that Ralf Hart initially outrages her calling she despite everything keeps on talking and resolve the strain which at that point prompts a companionship and afterward a relationship. Her agreeableness is additionally appeared through her connection between the curator and her work associates despite the f act that they consider her to be a danger. Maria is likewise dedicating as she goes through the cash she by and by earned on her family all together for her family to prevail in life by purchasing a ranch for her family. Language Diction Eleven Minutes is a spellbinding novel that utilizes casual language frequently including language ordinarily utilized among numerous individuals. There are numerous discussions in the novel between the characters, particularly lingo among Maria and her sexual customers just as among herself and Ralf Hart and Maria and the curator. Procedures of experimental writing are utilized, for example, embodiment; Geneva would simply be the substance of a man she cherished and whom had adored her. There are likewise a significant number facetious inquiries which underscore the circumstance and permit the peruser to get engaged with the circumstance in the novel. A few long sentences are utilized to portray emotions or items; She was starting to understand that after long a very long time of poise, the weight, the seismic tremor, the abundance of her spirit was giving indications that it was going to emit, and the second this occurred, she would have no chance to get of controlling her sentimen ts. Short sentences are additionally used to have an effect and underline the importance, for example; She was startled. Symbolism The symbolism is obvious all through the novel since all boosts are stimulated. Material symbolism is clear when Maria lays down with a wide range of men due to her calling. The epic is elucidating when Maria and Ralf Hart examine their sexual connections and when he looks for her as a client; Maria felt Ralfs hand on her midriff, his cheek squeezed to hers and the music Thank God was unreasonably boisterous for them to talk. This depiction of Ralf and Marias experience along these lines connects to sound-related symbolism as one can envision the sound of the music around them. There is a feeling of smell when Ralf touches Marias face with his fingers; she can smell only a trace of ink on them, a smell that will remain there perpetually, regardless of whether he washes his hands㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ Visual symbolism is anticipated all through the novel when Maria enters the congregation before leaving back to Brazil. The epic clarifies customs of a congregation; unbelievable recolored glas s windows and void cross; she was defied not by an instrument of torment, by the bloodied body of a withering man, yet by an image of resurrection㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ Taste symbolism is obvious when Maria has involvement in an assortment of nourishments, in Brazil she can just bear the cost of sandwiches and once in a while cafés in any case, in Switzerland she eats all the more lavishly and eats at progressively costly eateries after she is utilized at The Copacabana. Subjects The subject of disclosure, torment and depression is apparent all through the novel as Maria needed to encounter torment for an amazing duration so as to find her actual self. Depression is appeared through the novel as Maria was desolate and her spirit and psyche was lost with the end goal for her to proceed with her troublesome profession decision. Disclosure likewise identifies with this as she found herself from having had intercourse with Ralf Hart and she started to feel a lot more joyful and understand that she had discovered love and that her spirit was restored. The subject of sexual relations is spoken to profoundly all through the novel as Maria is a whore and has numerous sexual connections all through the novel along these lines. Sex in the novel is an exceptionally prevailing topic particularly when Ralf Hart encourages Maria to find that sex is consecrated and goes past ones soul. This topic may connection to love and sentiment as Maria becomes hopelessly enamored with Ralf Hart and they start a relationship together after she flies home from Switzerland to Brazil. Setting This epic has different various settings which all propel the novel in different manners. While Maria is a little youngster, the novel is set in Brazil in a detached town. At nineteen she goes to Rio de Janeiro, an acclaimed city for its jamboree festivities and numerous moves. These two scenes energize the novel on the grounds that as a little youngster her folks are poor and as she makes a trip she needs to procure a not too bad compensation to have the option to help her family. As a little youngster Maria likewise dreams to have the average way of life and a glittery life and by moving from a segregated territory to a populated town
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Stock Market Crash free essay sample
There are a few factors that caused this accident however the fundamental explanation was the incomparable home loan emergency. The stock trade is a basic framework to appreciate and was built up hundreds of years back. The historical backdrop of the stock trade goes back to 1 790 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This would be the first run through exchanging stocks was done in a sorted out manner rather than at arbitrary like it was done earlier. This area considered fruitful for a long time before it was moved to its perpetual area on Wall Street in New York City. The financial exchange stayed fruitful until it smashed on Black Tuesday in 1929.This accident brought about the loss of billions of dollars and denoted the start of the incredible gloom. The extraordinary gloom would keep going for around ten years and put Americas economy in the most noticeably terrible shape it has even been . During this period, Stocks would drop to record lows, half of the American banks would die, and the joblessness rates would soar. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stock Market Crash or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The Depression would at long last subside after World War II. The following accident would not happen for quite a long time however would influence the biggest markets on the globe and would be alluded to as dark Monday. Dark Monday, happened on October 19, 1987.On this day tock would drop 22% and this drop would send the worldwide economy into a spiral. 19 of the 20 biggest markets all through the world, would all observe in any event 20% drops. Fortunately, the accident didn't trigger a downturn and would just bring about the misfortune in an enormous number of budgetary vocations. In any case, the fault of the accident would be pointed at the lawmakers rather then those in the money related world. It is hard to comprehend why a securities exchange crashes without a basic comprehension of the subject. The financial exchange is a gathering Of organizations that meet a specific models. The organizations are separated into units.These units are then separated and sold as offers; the offers are viewed as part responsibility for organization. In any case, for what reason would an organization sell offers and part with resources? The securities exchange permits organizations to fund themselves without taking out business credits known as obligation financing. Obligation financing brings about enormous intrigue expenses, which is the reason it is alluded as obligation financing. Notwithstanding, value financing permits the organizations to offer stocks to take care of the expenses of the organization it additionally permits them to fund their organization chance free. The two sorts of financing have theirs advantages and disadvantages, contingent upon ones taxation.With the comprehension of these straightforward themes it gets more obvious the securities exchange. With small comprehension of the securities exchange, we can even now fathom the purposes for the accident. There where numerous occasions that lead up to the accident of 2008 and everything began with preeminent home loan emergency. A us prime home loan is given to somebody with a low FICO assessment. In 2006, private areas expounded out on 12 million credits worth as much as 2 trillion dollars. These credits were given without the standard guidelines. These guidelines were separated from because of congress needing to give out more moans.Unfortunately, this just worked for a brief timeframe, the greatest number of couldn't stand to repay their credits with the significant levels Of intrigue. As these credits were not being paid off, banks were coming up short on cash yet kept on advancing out more cash that they didn't have. This eventually caused an immense money related emergency making a few private loan specialists and banks guarantee liquidation. The emergency caused one of the biggest and most established loan specialists in the nation to petition for financial protection. On September 18, 2008 the Lehman siblings declared financial insolvency with the biggest case ever. The breakdown of the Lehman siblings would cause a descending winding of the economy and lead to the following breakdown of the financial exchange. The misfortune was pulverizing to our nation as they had existed and prevailing for a considerable length of time. The organization was established in 1 850, and had endure two past Stock market crashes however tragically, they would be one of the reasons for the 2008 accident. The breakdown of the Lehman siblings gave the investors a review of what lay ahead. At last, making them sell the offers they had put resources into banks. The plenitude of those selling their offers caused an umber of falls all around the stock market.The abrupt breakdown largy affected different nations too. Influencing nations the whole way across the globe however having its most noteworthy effect on Iceland who nearly went totally bankrupt. The financial exchange crash of 2008 had the whole globe in emergency. Each nation included needed to make sense of an approach to spare themselves from a huge downturn. To get association back in the securities exchange the United States needed to rescue all the banks and huge organizations to permit them to give advances once more. At last, permitting them to reestablish an equalization in our economy. Luckily, we needed to obtain a lot of cash from different nations further expanding our obligations with them. With respect to anticipation, there have been a couple of laws and guidelines included. For one thing, shorting stocks is presently unlawful. Shorting a stock is getting cash from a financial specialist and afterward when the stock is dropping or sold not recharging their advance. Another guideline is constraining moneylenders to adhere to their exacting guideline when giving out credits. Additionally premium has been brought down significantly all together for new business to extend and develop without a silly measure of debt.While the purposes behind the securities exchange crash in 2008 arent totally pointed one way. The vast majority of the proof lies on the incomparable home loan emergency. Without this emergency, the Lehman siblings would have never been bankrupt, organizations wouldnt be in a scramble to get each other out, and investors wouldnt have short sold all their bank shares. At last, if moneylenders adhered to their ordinary guidelines while giving out credits this whole circumstance could have been kept away from. Which would have spared our nation billions of dollars. References 1. Brian, M. , Ross, D. (n. D. ). How Stocks and the Stock Market Work
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Riddle Inside The Dark Tower III The Waste Lands
The Riddle Inside The Dark Tower III The Waste Lands This is a guest post from James Renner. Renner is the author of the novel, The Man from Primrose Lane, and the new nonfiction thriller, True Crime Addict. Follow him on Twitter @JamesRenner. I was thirteen years old when The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands was published, in 1991, about the same age as Jake Chambers, my favorite character from those stories. It was all I wanted for Christmas that year. I remember finding the softback edition on an endcap in the Waldenbooks at Westgate Mall near Cleveland. I felt feverish as I flipped through the pages to get a look at all of Ned Dameron’s wonderful illustrations of Mid-World: the giant bear with the satellite dish on its head, the giant monster house, Jake finding the rose… I had no idea what any of these paintings meant but they pulled at me like a great magnet. That mall is gone, now. Waldenbooks is no more. And somewhere along the way I lost that book. But I haven’t stopped thinking about one little piece of it. You see, there’s a riddle hidden inside with an answer that Stephen King has never owned up to. This is going to be a little inside-baseball for anyone who isn’t a die-hard Dark Tower fan. This also reveals a level of study I’m not entirely comfortable admitting to. In my defense, I was a kid and I had not yet discovered girls and there wasn’t a lot to do out in the boonies where I grew up. Also, the next book in the Dark Tower series, Wizard and Glass, didn’t come out until 1997, so I had six years to re-read and pick apart The Waste Lands while I twiddled my thumbs. The book begins with our hero gunslinger, Roland Deschain leading two apprentices â€" expatriates of our world, Eddie and Susannah Dean â€" across the strange dystopian realm of Mid-World. Along the way, they stop to pluck young Jake Chambers out of Manhattan via a magic door while Susannah has sex with an invisible demon â€" seriously, why haven’t you read this book yet? Now a family, a full “Ka-tet,†the four wanderers and their loyal billy-bumbler, Oy, hoof it to the dead metropolis of Lud where a train waits to take them thousands of miles closer to their ultimate destination, the nexus of time and space itself, the Dark Tower! The train is actually a monorail. A pink monorail named Blaine. Blaine is a pain. He’s a sentient computer program that has gone crazy from boredom. And he plans to commit suicide with Roland and company inside his cabin. Unless, that is, they play a game of riddles. Sort of like Gollum and Bilbo under the Lonely Mountain. If they can stump Blaine, he’ll let them live. The book ends on a cliffhanger as Roland, Eddie, Susannah, and Jake begin to pose riddles. The Waste Lands is all about riddles. They appear throughout the entire novel. When we first reconnect with Jake, he’s hearing riddles in his head. He writes them down in an essay for English class. When is a door not a door? When it’s a jar. What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck. Later, Roland tells his friends about the tradition of the Fair Day Riddling contests from his childhood. Fair Day was the only time when common folk could enter the Hall of the Grandfathers in Gilead, the intellectual center of Mid-World. Anyone could write a new riddle on a scroll and put it in a barrel in the hall. Whoever guessed the most riddles correctly won the largest goose in the land. Roland then gives an example of a “good†riddle: What’s dressed when night falls and undressed when day breaks? A fire. Eddie, always the joker, comes back with his own: Why did the dead baby cross the road? Because it was stapled to the chicken. I cannot adequately explain how funny that one was to a thirteen-year-old boy such as myself. Riddles, riddles, everywhere. But the thing I always got stuck on was Blaine, himself. Why the hell was Blaine pink? We learn that there were actually two monorails that served the citizens of Lud before their civilization collapsed â€" one was pink and one was blue. But when Roland’s group arrives, the blue monorail lays in a heap in the river. Eddie and Susannah discover that the blue one was called Patricia, leading Eddie to comment: “They got their colors wrong, though. It’s supposed to be pink for girls and blue for boys.†It’s important to note that Blaine has a split personality of some kind. As Eddie and Susannah try to talk their way onto the monorail, Blaine’s booming voice is interrupted by another, described as sounding like “a frightened child.†It calls itself Little Blaine, “The one he forgot. The one he thinks he left behind in the rooms of ruin and the halls of the dead.†And when they finally enter Blaine, it’s the other voice that welcomes them, almost automatically: “’Welcome to Blaine,’ a soothing voice said as they pelted aboard. They all recognized that voice; it was a slightly louder, slightly more confident version of Little Blaine.†Once aboard, King spends ample time writing about Patricia, which seems like an odd aside for a detail that doesn’t drive the plot at all. Blaine explains how the blue monorail ended up in the river. “Patricia went mad… in her case the problem involved equipment malfunction as well as spiritual malaise.†He describes how an electrical fire caused “logic-fault†problems which made her personality software begin to go crazy. It threatened to spread to the computers that also controlled him, so he isolated her programming, cutting her off from the central processor. Then she committed suicide by driving off her track and crashing into the riverbank. When I read this as a kid, my first thought was that Blaine was lying. We were warned early on in the book that Blaine “couldn’t be trusted†after all. The only mono we know has a suicidal streak is Blaine, himself. He’s going to kill himself and all of the gunslingers if they can’t stump him with a riddle, after all. We only know Patricia from the story Blaine tells. So we have this odd, disjointed story from an unreliable narrator, a split personality, and the wrong color for gender. As a storyteller, those are logic problems. Unless… Unless Blaine was the blue mono and Patricia was the pink one. What if, after Blaine started acting crazy and Patricia tried to block him out of the main server, he uploaded his software into the pink monorail? It would explain Little Blaine very well â€" that’s Patricia (a woman’s voice could easily be mistaken for a child’s if one never has a face to go with it). And isn’t it just the sort of thing Blaine would do? There is only one unanswered riddle in The Waste Lands: when Eddie asks why Blaine is pink and not blue. I’ve always thought this was the answer. When I shared this theory on an obscure subReddit, another fan pointed out one final bit of supporting evidence. Stephen King has a fetish for finding the perfect names for his characters. He gives it a lot of thought. And here we have the story of Blaine. The BLue trAINE. Sign up to Swords Spaceships to receive news and recommendations from the world of science fiction and fantasy.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Adolescent Cognitive Development For Parents - 1496 Words
Adolescent Cognitive Development for Parents to Consider Adolescence is a transitional time for youth, and parents as well, the brain is developing, making new neural connections, allowing the teen to think in new ways. It is also a time on emotional storm, with hormones surging, and identity forming, the teen, and parents can find themselves in a state of frustration. Fiore (2011) States â€Å"Adolescence is a complex process of growth and change†(p.191). This is also a time of vulnerability; As with any developing organism, damage can happen, and change the intended outcome. If all goes well the final result will be a normal, healthy adult ready to live and independent, and, or interdependent prosperous life. The adolescent brain is still underdeveloped, but in a process of rapid growth. One aspect to consider is the frontal lobe development, as Anderson (2015) notes â€Å"The frontal lobe is the CEO of the brain, determining most aspects of learning, moral intelligence, abstract reasoning, judgement and strategizing, †¦adolescents do not have the same ability to reason and make decisions as young adults†(p.193). This is why young teens need much guidance, and mentoring. Parents, in order to maintain a good relationship with their teen, will need to have understanding, and patience, with an awareness of being in the role of shaping their teen into a responsible adult. According to Fiore (2011) the ages from eleven and beyond are in Piaget’s â€Å"formal operational stage†and as suchShow MoreRelatedSports As A Tool For Development Of Social Character Development1309 Words  | 6 PagesOver seventy percent of adolescents play sports (Uzoma, 2015). Athletics ca n be used for the development of social character, values of teamwork, sacrifice, and obedience (Rudd Stoll, 2004). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Troubled Relationship Between Gertrude and Hamlet
The Troubled Relationship Between Gertrude and Hamlet In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Claudius murders his brother, the King of Denmark, and subsequently usurps the Danish throne. Shattering the purity of the royal family, he allures Queen Gertrude into an incestuous wedding so hastily that â€Å"The funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables†(I.ii.180-1). Lost in this sullied household is Prince Hamlet, shrouded in the black of mourning, who condemns his mother’s quick, lustful willingness to marry his uncle. Hamlet’s abject tears melt into vengeance, however, when the ghost of his father orders him to â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder†(I.v.25). He complicates his command to the Prince by admonishing him to†¦show more content†¦Bradley’s point, however, that â€Å"[Gertrude] loved to be happy, like a sheep in the sun†ignores her active involvement in the court espionage and her struggle with guilt near the end of the play. On the other hand, some examine her through the words of her fellow characters. Marvin Rosenberg, compared with Bradley’s critique, presents a largely different view of the queen: But many who listen to what Claudius, old Hamlet, and his son say of Gertrude discern quite another queen – a woman of some power, described by such adjectives: cunning, deceptive, sensual, erotic, loving, shrewd, urbane, hard, conscienceless, lustful, sexy, the epitome of falseness, corrupted (71). Within this spectrum of analyses, Gertrude remains a complicated, enigmatic character; yet, at her core, she is the focus of love for three formidable men: old Hamlet, his son, and Claudius. Using the queen’s dialogue to decipher her complex connection and interactions with Hamlet, however, is challenging because she tends to eschew revealing oratory in favor of terse statements. Una Ellis-Fermor correctly argues: â€Å"In Gertrude’s speech there are remarkably few images, and those generally colorless and drawn almost entirely from commonplace themes†(89). For example, in II.ii she interrupts Polonius’s exaggerated discourse, saturated with rhetorical flourishes such as antanaclasis and antistrophe (â€Å"... cause of this effect - /Show MoreRelatedClaudius Character Analysis858 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, one of the most popular plays ever written. Claudius causes a war between passion and responsibility when he murders the father of Hamlet, the main character, and then marries Hamlets mother Gertrude. Claudius killed Hamlets father and then married Gertrude only so he could take the crown and become King. 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The play follows young prince Hamlet s revengeful journey to avenge his father s murder by his uncle Claudius; throughout which, we see the protagonist constantly delaying his revenge due to excessive contemplation and perpetual doubt. The two major female roles in the play are Hamlet s mother, Queen Gertrude, and his lover, Ophelia. Throughout the play, theseRead MoreHamlet Is The Longest Of Shakespeare s Plays Written During The Elizabethan Era1193 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet is the longest of Shakespeare’s plays written during the Elizabethan era in which the title character seeks revenge on his fathers’ death by Claudius. Consisting of 5 Acts, the first act contains 5 scenes. The first scene of Act 1 (the opening scene) illustrates an atmosphere full of fear and ghosts. Bernardo and Francisco both appear to be on edge. When Bernardo asks, â€Å" Who’s there?†Francisco responds, â€Å"Nay, answer me. 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Arithmetic Mean and Life Satisfaction Free Essays
PART A: i) Male: Female: The mean value of life satisfaction for male is about 7. 7459 while for female is 7. 7101, which proves there is no significant different life satisfaction between male and female, thus gender does not affect life satisfaction a lot. We will write a custom essay sample on Arithmetic Mean and Life Satisfaction or any similar topic only for you Order Now But when it comes to sample variance, for male is 2. 5684 while for female is 3. 0081. From this pair of figures it is obvious that the life satisfaction for female is more flexible than male. Man’s life satisfactions are easy to be affected by other variables. I assume â€Å"GENDER†does not affect life satisfaction. ii) Not alone: Alone: The mean value of satisfaction for those who is not alone is about 7. 8055 meanwhile the figure for those who live alone is 7. 32584. There is a big gap between these two data, which implies that â€Å"ALONE†have a significant impact on people life satisfaction. Additionally, sample variance for alone is much higher than for not alone, which implies other variables affect people who live alone severely and affect people not alone a little. I assume â€Å"ALONE†affects â€Å"LIFESAT†vitally, since people feel happier when they are accompanied by others but for those who are alone are easy to feel lonely and sad. iii) Income 1: Income 6: The average life satisfaction for people with income level 1 is 7. 4426 while for people with income level 6 is 8. 2069, which means people with high income are more satisfy with their life than those with low income. Furthermore, the sample variance for income 1 is 4. 37941 while for level 6 is only 0. 74138, which tells that people with relatively high income enjoys a relatively stable high life satisfaction. Personally, I reckon that people with high income are happier than those with low income, as they are more capable to purchase what they like which makes people satisfy with their lives. PART B: i) Y=7. 746-0. 036X (gender) For gender, the ? 2 is -0. 036 which means gender has negative relationship with satisfaction. And 0 represents male while 1 means female. Thus when other factors are the same, life satisfaction of female is slightly less than man. The result is not exactly what I have supposed. My prior assumption is ? 2 should be zero in this circumstance. ii) Y=7. 360+0. 008X (age) From this function, age has a positive linear relationship with life satisfaction. As people grow old, they tend to be more satisfied with their life. ?2 is a little bit different from what I expected, as I suppose ? 2 should be a bigger positive number than it is. I reckon that as people grow old they might be easy to feel satisfied about life. For young people they are more likely to be ambitious and do not feel enough about what they have. iii) Y=7. 805-0. 480X (alone) Alone has a negative relationship with life satisfaction, it means people who are alone have less life satisfaction than those accompanied by others. The result is in accordance with what I expected. iv) Y=7. 300+0. 174X (income) ?2 is 0. 174 which means as income increase by 1 unit life satisfaction will go up by 0. 174. The more people earned the more satisfied they feel about their life. The result is correspondent with what I expected. PART C: Estimated sample regression function: Yhat=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 PART D: i) Y=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 =6. 4981-0. 0094*0-0. 0005*50+0. 0497*0+0. 0170*26-0. 3975*1+0. 1986*3 =7. 1134 ii) Y=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 =6. 4981-0. 0094*0-0. 0005*50+0. 0497*0+0. 0170*35-0. 3975*0+0. 1986*3 =7. 6639 PART E: Setting religion as another independent variable, â€Å"0†represents no religion and â€Å"1†means having religion. In my opinion, when other variables remains stable people with religion compared with people without religion are more satisfied with their lives, since people with religion have spiritual sustenance. Hours spend on sleep every week can also be set as another independent variable (0? X? 168). I suppose that people who spent more time on sleep will be happier than those got less time on sleep. PART F: Coefficients as calculated in part c: Yhat=6. 4981-0. 0094X1-0. 0005X2+0. 0497X3+0. 0170X4-0. 3975X5+0. 1986X6 SSE=(Y-YHAT)^2 One example for made up coefficients: As I change the portfolio of coefficient, the new sum of squared residuals ever lower than the original SSE. The coefficients we got by applying the OLS model contributes to the most minor sum of squared residuals. PART G: i) H0: ? 1=0 H1: ? 1? 0 Test statistic: T= (6. 49806173672354-0)/ 0. 199293520416749= 32. 6054842281637 With ? =0. 1. From the t table, value of t with 10% level of significance and (n-7=1660-7=1653) d. f. , the critical value of t is |tc|=1. 645 With ? =0. 05. |tc|=1. 960 With ? =0. 01. |tc|=2. 576 |t|=32. 605| tc| Reject H0 at 10%, 5%, and 1% level of significant. Therefore ? 1 is significant different from 0 at all these three level. ii) H0: ? 2=0 H1: ? 2? 0 Test statistic: T=(-0. 0094153888009149-0)/ 0. 00475949120927804= -1. 97823430844052 |t|=|-1. 97823430844052|=1. 97823430844052 |t0. 95, 1653||t0. 975, 1653||t||t0. 95, 1653| Hence, the null hypothesis is not rejected at 1% level of significant, but rejects H0 at 10% and 5%. Therefore, ? 2 is significant different from 0 at 10% and 5% level of significant but not significant from 0 at 1%. iii)H0: ? 3=0 H1: ? 3? 0 Test statistic: T=(-0. 000506153379257048-0)/ 0. 00221826267938831= -0. 228175582612525 |t|=|-0. 228175582612525|= 0. 228175582612525|tc| Hence, the null hypothesis is not rejected at 10%, 5% and 1%. Therefore, ? is not significant different from 0 at 10%, 5% and 1% level of significant. iv) H0: ? 4=0 H1: ? 4? 0 Test statistic: T= (0. 0497380181150213-0)/ 0. 0837473787178692= 0. 593905372042513 |t|=0. 593905372042513|tc| Hence, the null hypothesis is not rejected at 10%, 5% and 1%. Therefore, ? 3 is not significant different from 0 at 10%, 5% and 1% level of significant. v) H0: ? 5=0 H1: ? 5? 0 Test statistic: T=( 0. 0169731847843023-0)/ 0. 00290570472445049= 5. 84133158523606 |t|=5. 84133158523606|tc| Hence, reject H0 at 10%, 5%, 1% level of significant. Therefore ? 1 is significant different from 0 at all these 3 level. i) H0: ? 6=0 H1: ? 6? 0 Test statistic: T= (-0. 397496187094307-0)/ 0. 11752515791858= -3. 38222210575277 |t|=|-3. 38222210575277|=3. 38222210575277| tc| Reject H0 at 10%, 5%, and 1% level of significant. Therefore ? 1 is significant different from 0 at all these three level. vii) H0: ? 6=0 H1: ? 6? 0 Test statistic: T= (0. 198587308642208-0)/ 0. 0338574782046911= 5. 86538983918457 |t|=5. 86538983918457| tc| Reject H0 at 10%, 5%, and 1% level of significant. Therefore ? 1 is significant different from 0 at all these three level. viii) Overall significance of the model: H0: ? 2=? =? 4=? 5=? 6=? 7=0 H1: at least one of the ? ’s non zero. Test statistic: F= [(4616. 46927710844-4396. 45885074034)/6]/ [4396. 45885074034/ (1660-7)] =13. 786748499694 6 95th percentile for the F-distribution, F. 05, 6, 1653=2. 10 99th percentile for the F-distribution, F. 01, 6, 1653=2. 80 Since F=13. 7867484996946 Fc therefore we reject the Null hypothesis. Hence, all the six variables together have significant effect on sales. In other words, the set of explanatory variables in the model can significantly explain the dependent variable (life satisfaction). How to cite Arithmetic Mean and Life Satisfaction, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
University Change Me in 3 Ways free essay sample
If i could have repeated my life, would it be different when something occurring before is substituted for another event? Probably, many trivial things that did nothing to my values and weltanschauung, which would be forgotten at once or a few days later wouldn’t work. Studying in the university, however, deeply changed my life in 3 principal ways that cultivate me to be better man To start with, study in university conveyed to me the methods and value of learning. As most people perceive, the curriculum of university teach us more about the means of learning and the meanings of learning rather than the limited knowledge taught in the class. The methods of learning vary from different people and different major, but the basic method concerns self-studying, which provide me with more specialized knowledge than that supplied in class. When I got used to learn by myself, spontaneously, I comprehended the meaning of learning that a student can sense what he or she should learn more and at a deeper level. We will write a custom essay sample on University Change Me in 3 Ways or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For another thing, numerous students leave home to live in a remote area where they have never been before for the first time. Therefore, enrolling in the university taught me to lead a much more independent life than ever before. Lots of â€Å"first-time†issues popped up since I embarked on my daily life of study in university including getting up without being called up by parents, studying in library with self-discipline while others were playing computer games, putting up with awful habits and behavior of roommates, falling asleep in clamorous circumstances and so forth, which add to better characters of me. What’s more, during my junior year, my university offered me a good chance to study abroad as an exchange student at Inha university of Korea. The trip is extraordinary indeed that expanded my outlook, trained my communicating skills, and moreover, improved my ability to handle precipitating incidents. Last, but certainly not the least concerns that university education made engaged me in the progressive pursuit of my future career. What distinct me from a technique-deep worker perhaps concerns how i value holistic education. I became sort of conceited for such a period of time in my major, but when I step higher, I see further. Becoming more competent is a gateway to survive in reality, which seems not enough. Conversely, it is the room for my constant professional growth and career advancement that gain me the sense of fulfillment. The deeper I dove into my major, the more ignorant I found myself to be. â€Å"Stay foolish, stay hungry†is what should be borne in mind life-long. To conclude, the university study unraveling the mystery of surviving the professional fields and achieving accomplishments made me all prepared for the further study and work hereafter, far from being an amateur, which absolutely changed my notion, values and life.
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